The ROVR Blog

Lion Hug

I just keep thinking how awesome and simultaneously pant-wettingly terrifying it would be to get hugged by some lions.   

Lion Hug

I just keep thinking how awesome and simultaneously pant-wettingly terrifying it would be to get hugged by some lions.   

Planned Product Additions

We're looking to possibly add these brands to our offerings in the near future: Natural Balance- dog and cat Wellness- dog and cat Fromm- dog Solid Gold- dog and cat...

Planned Product Additions

We're looking to possibly add these brands to our offerings in the near future: Natural Balance- dog and cat Wellness- dog and cat Fromm- dog Solid Gold- dog and cat...

Caring for Crickets

Keeping your crickets alive and healthy is very simple. Crickets have three main requirements:  A large, clean container with enough room- The bin you receive your crickets in is perfect...

Caring for Crickets

Keeping your crickets alive and healthy is very simple. Crickets have three main requirements:  A large, clean container with enough room- The bin you receive your crickets in is perfect...

Caring for Superworms

Keeping your Superworms happy and healthy is very easy. Simply make sure you have a large enough plastic bin to house them, some bran or wheat germ for them to...

Caring for Superworms

Keeping your Superworms happy and healthy is very easy. Simply make sure you have a large enough plastic bin to house them, some bran or wheat germ for them to...

Caring for Crested Geckos

Crested Geckos are an excellent choice for novice reptile owners. They are friendly, hardy and generally require no lighting as long as they are kept at room temperature. Reaching a...

Caring for Crested Geckos

Crested Geckos are an excellent choice for novice reptile owners. They are friendly, hardy and generally require no lighting as long as they are kept at room temperature. Reaching a...

Substrate Choices

There are many choices for the kind of substrate to choose for your reptile’s enclosure. Some are better for the health of your reptile than others. Essentially what you want...

Substrate Choices

There are many choices for the kind of substrate to choose for your reptile’s enclosure. Some are better for the health of your reptile than others. Essentially what you want...